How to Find IFSC Code for Any Bank?
Finding an IFSC code on this site is very easy, we have created this site for everyone who possess technical knowledge or not, the system in place is that much easy that anyone can use it to find the relevant IFSC code. Simply use our IFSC Code Finder tool to search for the code you need. Here's how it works:
- Search by Bank Name: Type in the name of your bank.
- Enter Branch Name or Location: Provide the branch name or location for more specific results.
- Get Your Code: Our tool will instantly provide you with the accurate IFSC code for your desired bank branch.
Why is the IFSC Code Important?
IFSC code is important because it helps to ensure that the online bank transactions are processed accurately and safely. Its mandatory while using the below modes:
- NEFT: A secure system for transferring funds between banks.
- RTGS: A real-time transfer method for large transactions.
- IMPS: An instant payment service for quick transactions.
The IFSC code ensures that funds are transferred to the correct bank and branch, preventing
Can I use the IFSC code for IMPS payments?
Yes, the IFSC code is required for IMPS payments.
How do I get the IFSC code of my branch?
You can easily get your IFSC code by using our IFSC code finder tool. You can also get this info or the cheque book or you can contact your bank directly to know about this.
Can I use the same IFSC code for all branches of a bank?
No, each branch has a unique IFSC code. You need to use different IFSC codes while transferring money according to the branch.
Why do I need the correct IFSC code?
IFSC code is helpful to ensure that your funds are transferred accurately and safely to the right bank branch.
What is an IFSC Code?
IFSC code is used to identify a bank branch in India. It is majorly used to transfer fund electronically using NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer), RTGS (Real-Time Gross Settlement), and IMPS (Immediate Payment Service). This is where the role of IFSC code comes into play to ensure secure and accurate money transfers between bank accounts.
The IFSC code consists of 11 characters, where:
- First 4 Characters – Represents the bank code.
- Fifth Character – Is zero, reserved for future use.
- Last Six Characters - Represents the specific branch code.
IFSC Branch Details
IFSC Code Details
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